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shop online at Guess Factory, save 50% off

Updated: Nov 2, 2019

Shopping online on U.S. sites from Philippines? You bet! US Shipping Express helps international shoppers from Philippines, like you, shop on U.S. sites at affordable and easy ways. See how easy shopping in the U.S. is and how much you can save when you buy direct on U.S. sites than at your local stores.

Shop online from Philippines at Guess Factory U.S.
Shop online from Philippines at Guess Factory U.S.

Guess Factory U.S., the outlet store of Guess USA is on sale with up to 50% entire site, plus enjoy free ground shipping within U.S.

Enjoy great deals and discounts on clothing and accessories for women, men and kids.

Before heading over to Guess Factory, site, create your account here, wait to receive your free US Shipping Express address by email.

Once you have your US address you can shop on U.S. sites, even if you are in the Philippines. Shop Guess Factory U.S. here.

If you still don't know how you can shop in the U.S. internationally, here's a quick how to. Or if you don't have your U.S. address yet, sign up here free.

Remember! Always check the sites to check for sale details and validity. We cannot guarantee until when these sales will run or its sale details.


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