Because we like you . . . a lot
We want you to have fun shopping to your heart's content so to help you save even more, our package consolidation service is free. Yes, free.
+ Buy from several U.S. online shopping sites, and we'll combine multiple packages into one larger shipment to reduce shipping cost
+ Ship when you are ready, you can store packages for up to 35 days at no extra cost. Additional storage days available for a fee if you need.
+ Reduce overall U.S. international shipping costs by combining multiple packages into one larger shipment

With US Shipping Express,
I know I am getting my money's worth.
I am happy to pay extra if the service is really good and they don't give me headaches. With US Shipping Express, I know I am getting my money's worth. Excellent service all the time!


Hey, here are some resources to help you have a fun, hassle-free international shopping experience in the U.S.

Remember, you have two ways to shop in the U.S. - with a U.S. Personal Shopper or U.S. Address for international shipping
Check out: Top U.S. Shopping Sites Directory Listing
Check out: U.S. Latest Deals
Check out: International Shipping Regulations and Shipping Policy to guide you
We'd like to be transparent with you so here are our Terms of Use